Chapter 3: DAMN YOU INTERNET!!!!!!
Grrr! I absolutely hate doing this! But chapter 3 is going to take a few more days. I wanted to have it out like 2 days ago but unfortunately our internet is COMPLETELY DOWN!!! It's all ready to go I just can't upload it.
Now before you go calling me a liar, because I am obviously using the internet to type this. I am using the internet on my phone as a hotspot but it's the end of the month and i'm addicted to youtube, therefore leaving me with little internet that is extremely slow!! Just think what you think is slow and then multiply it by about a hundred. I've already tried uploading this stupid blog entry 3 times!! Because my internet keeps cutting out, but this time I'll be sure to copy all this text and paste it somewhere else so I don't lose it AGAIN.
Can you tell i'm just a little annoyed?
Anyway so chapter 3 should be out in a few days. I did try to upload chapter 3 but it just kept timing out and I'd lose all the pages. will be out soon I promise!! And there will be no more posts about late chapters!! Unless EXTREMELY unforeseen events take place. I mean honestly the internet sure picked a good day to crap out, it's like how often does that happen?!? Just when you really need to use it, it's gone. I think it's some sort of problem with the actual router or something, need to speak with the internet people.
Alright I hope you're all enjoying your day :)
Adios xox